Items on Purchase Order tab - Receive Purchase Orders
The Items on Purchase Order tab contains all of the items on the selected purchase order.
The information pertaining to each item on the grid is as follows:
Loc: The Location the item was ordered from
Qty: The Quantity ordered
Item# Ordered: The Item Number of the item ordered. The item number is taken from the Vendor Info tab of inventory maintenance. If an item number was not assigned on the Vendor Info tab, the sku/catalog number will appear in this column.
Rec: The quantity received of the item.
Description: The description/title of the item.
Bcd: If the item is pre-barcoded and the barcode has been previously associated with the item either in inventory maintenance or by adding it directly to the barcode reference table in Inventory Maintenance, a check will appear in this column.
Acct#: The account number the item was ordered on.
Prob: If a problem code has been assigned to the item, the code will appear in this column.
To view additional information for any item on the purchase order, click in the row on the grid containing the item. The sku number, model, cost each, price each quoted and customer name will appear on the bottom of the Items on Purchase Order tab.